Monday, August 16, 2010

Life Moves Pretty Fast...I'm Trying to Keep Up!

2010 is the year for changes. Big Changes. When I say big, I mean big! My oldest daughter, Taylor, leaves for college this week. Mackenzie, she started her Junior year in High School last week and is already talking about Prom and is so busy with activities that she is gone more than she is home. Matthew, he started Middle School today. There are other big changes coming over the coming months and I am learning to embrace the change.

We went to the top of Pikes Peak on Saturday. To enjoy the view, time with our family, time to oooo and ahhhh over the view and to be reminded that we are all tiny specs.

As we drove up there, we talked, we laughed, and occasionally I'd tear up and have to look out the window as I realized, then like no other time, that everything truly is changing. While your family is always your family, your home is always your home, Taylor is moving out, moving 3 states away, starting her own life. Yes, she will come home for breaks and holiday's, but that isn't the same. Our family, as we are this instant, will never be the same. And today, I'm trying to get at peace with it.

I know I'm not the first person in history to have life sneak up on them and watch as her kids are suddenly adults. I forgot to stop blinking, I guess. I wonder how Taylor will remember the last 18 years, and hope I did my job as a mom instilling work ethic, values and a guiding compass...I know I haven't been a perfect mom, but I've done the best I could without an instruction manual, I mean let's be honest, no one every reads the manual anyway!

One of my favorite movie quotes is from the movie "Parenthood"...

[Gil has been complaining about his complicated life; Grandma wanders into the room]
Grandma: You know, when I was nineteen, Grandpa took me on a roller coaster.
Gil: Oh?
Grandma: Up, down, up, down. Oh, what a ride!
Gil: What a great story.
Grandma: I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it.

Everything is changing, hold on.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking alot about you & Sandy as you get ready to send your oldest off to college and my heart is with you. I know it is going to be coming fast for me w/ Melissa. I'll have to get advice, and a shoulder to cry on when I get to that point. I'm glad you're getting a day to enjoy being a family!
    Donna Shoop
